Commands List

Made with ♥ by Mannerce and VerifyME's Development Team.

Verification Commands



Explain about the bot and how to use it.


Step by step instruction on how to set up the bot.

/setup_verification [channel] [verified role] [unverified role]

Sets up the verification system.

/config [option] [value]

Change the configuration of the bot.


Views the current configuration.

/config_remove [option]

Remove the configuration.

/edit [title] [description] [image or gif]

Edits the title and description of the verification message.

/redeem [key]

Input the key that has been given to you after you have purchased premium.


Resets the verification system.

/verify [user]

Assign the verified role to a user.


Assign the verified role to all members.

/unverify [user]

Removes the verified role to a user.


Remove the verified role from all members.

/antibot [enable | disable] [time limit] [roles to ping] [channel] [admin role]

If a bot enters a server it will be kicked immediately, a ping will be sent to allow or reject it. (GREAT for security)

/anti-age [enable | disable] [minimum age] [action on fail]

Specify the account creation age of the users who can join the server.

/lockdown [enable | disable]

lock down the channels or unlock the channels


this shows the bot that has been whitelisted(Allowed to join) or blacklisted(Denied to join)

/manage-bot [whitelist | blacklist] [bot ID]

Whitelist or black list a bot by their ID

Last updated